Publication details

„Romersk Katolsk svartmetall“ : Reverorum ib Malacht a římský katolicismus mezi transgresivním subkulturním kapitálem a esoterickou exotickou jinakostí

Title in English „Romersk Katolsk svartmetall“ : Reverorum ib Malacht and Roman Catholicism between the Transgressive Subcultural Capital and Esoteric Exotic Otherness

MOKRÝ Matouš

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Although opposition to Christianity (especially to its institutional variants) is a widely shared ethos of the entire extreme metal scene, black metal has elevated anti-Christianity to one of the central elements of its identity, which persists even in so-called "ritual black metal," a specific subgenre characterized by the systematic use esoteric elements, active participation in the esoteric scene and understanding music as a certain form of spiritual practice. However, Karl Emil Lundin and Karl Axel Mikael Ignatius Martensson, who converted to Roman Catholicism in 2008-2009 and who express Catholic ideas in their music project Reverorum ib Malacht, are also, surprisingly, active in the scene of ritual black metal. As the paper will show, the unlikely success of the project in the scene is that Reverorum ib Malacht was able to present Catholicism as an exotic and mysterious spiritual tradition (potentially attractive to occultists) and turn it into a source of transgressive subcultural capital.

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