Publication details

Odklad vykonatelnosti a insolvenční řízení

Title in English Suspension of Enforceability and Insolvency Proceedings


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trestněprávní revue
web Obsah čísla časopisu.
Keywords Enforceability; Insolvency Proceedings
Attached files
Description The text deals with the relationship between enforceability and legal power, emphasizing the factual importance of enforceability for persons and the use of state coercion. He criticizes the different approach to postponement of enforceability in insolvency proceedings compared to other types of proceedings serving to enforce the law by the use of state coercion. If the Constitutional, Supreme or other court decides to postpone the enforceability of the decision, this postponement of the enforceability must be respected in general and fully.

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