Publication details

Riešenie problematiky dezinfekcie a sterilizácie v nemocniciach

Title in English Disinfection and sterilization in the hospitals


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Pharmacy

Citation LUKÁČOVÁ, Kristína and Dana MAZÁNKOVÁ. Riešenie problematiky dezinfekcie a sterilizácie v nemocniciach (Disinfection and sterilization in the hospitals). Lekárnické listy: odborno-informačný časopis Slovenskej lekárnickej komory. Bratislava: Edufarm, 2022, vol. 24, No 11, p. 30-35. ISSN 1335-5821.
Description Disinfection and sterilization are significant parts of controlling the spread of germs in hospitals. Infections can be transmitted, and pathogens can form in the patient's body. In these situations, correctly using disinfection and sterilization in wards and outpatient clinics is very important. The tables created and presented by us are aimed at the proper disinfection of hands, the body's skin, tools, and conditions when an epidemiologically severe situation occurs. Also, in the created recommendations, we indicate the use of disinfection in a particular hospital area, the method of carrying out disinfection, and the subsequent indication of various disinfectants.

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