Publication details

Mittelhochdeutsche Wörter eingebettet : Überlegungen und ausgewählte Stichproben des Einsatzes von word embeddings zur Auswertung historischer Textquellen

Title in English Middle High German words embedded : Some remarks and selected samples on the usage of word embeddings for analysing historical texts

BROM Vlastimil

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Beiträge zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft : Festschrift für Lenka Vaňková
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords historical texts; Middle High German; semantics; word embeddings; Middle High German Conceptual Database
Description The chapter deals with word embeddings as one of the current approaches for analysing the textual data (mainly with respect to lexical semantics, pragmatics, discourse linguistics etc.). Special attention is being paid to the applicability for historical texts, with the inherently limited amount of available text sources. The Middle High German Conceptual Database (MhdBDB) is used as data source. In addition, the possibilities of making the queries based on word embeddings available within this infrastructure are briefly discussed.

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