Publication details

František Matouš Klácel a zdroje jeho utopických vizí

Title in English František Matouš Klácel and the sources of his utopian visions

LEE Lenka

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web web časopisu
Keywords F. M. Klácel; Brno Augustinians; cosmopolitism; utopia
Description The study deals with the utopian aspirations of the member of the Augustinian order in Brno František Matouš Klácel (1808–1882), with their sources and attempts to put them into practice, as well as with the possible reasons why he was unable to realise his visions as he intended. Klácel – in designing ideal communities (Svojanovs) – drew on the works of his predecessors, who had tried to formulate or put into practice the ideas of social utopia (Saint-Simon, Fourier, Unity of the Brethren, Comenius), but from the ontological point of view he relied on his concept of cosmopolitism (vesměrnost), which he pursued from the early 1840s until the end of his life.
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