Publication details

Věc Sabalić proti Chorvatsku (Povinnost vyšetřit nenávistnou diskriminační pohnutku u podezření z násilných trestných činů z nenávisti)

Title in English Case Sabalić v. Croatia (Obligation to Investigate a Hateful Discriminatory Motive by a Susption of a Violent Hatecrime


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords hatecrime; positive obligation; right to an effective investigation; violence ; ne bis in idem
Description This text is an overview of a ECHR's case Sabalić v. Croatia conserning an obligation of the state to conduct a thorough investigation when a suspition of a violent hatecrime against a member of a particulary vulnerable minority (here a member of the LGBT community), and an iteraction of this obligation with the ne bis in idem principle and a possibility of a renewal of the process when due to the lack of effective investigation on the part of the state the case originally ended just as an administrative offence after criminal investigation was closed.

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