Publication details

Návrh politického zákona z roku 1918 a jeho odraz v československém zákonodárství

Title in English Draft of the Political Act of 1918 and its Reflection in the Czechoslovak Legislation

VOJÁČEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pocta Janu Svatoňovi k 70. narozeninám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Ferdinand Pantůček; Czechoslovak National Committee; the creation of Czechoslovakia; legislation of the First Czechoslovakia; Act on the Establishment of the Czechoslovak State; the courts; Interim Constitution
Description The author focused his attention on how the provisions of the prepared draft of the so-called political law were reflected in the Czechoslovak legislation. It significantly influenced several laws of the Czechoslovak National Committee, including Act No. 11/1918 Coll. z. and n. and Provisional Constitutions.

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