Publication details

The sources of sex differences in aging in annual fishes



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Animal Ecology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords adult sex ratio; demographic ageing; gender; Nothobranchius furzeri; predation; senescence; social environment
Description Intersexual differences in life span (age at death) and aging (increase in mortality risk associated with functional deterioration) are widespread among animals, from nematodes to humans. Males often live shorter than females, but there is substantial unexplained variation among species and populations. Despite extensive research, it is poorly understood how life span differences between the sexes are modulated by an interplay among genetic, environmental and social factors. The goal of our study was to test how sex differences in life span and ageing are modulated by social and environmental factors, and by intrinsic differences between males and females. To disentangle the complex basis of sex differences in life span and aging, we combined comparative data from sex ratios in 367 natural populations of four species of African annual killifish with experimental results on sex differences in life span and aging from eight laboratory populations tested in treatments that varied social and environmental conditions. In the wild, females consistently outlived males. In captivity, sex-specific mortality depended on social conditions. In social-housed experimental groups, male-biased mortality persisted in two aggressive species, but ceased in two placid species. When social and physical contacts were prevented by housing all fish individually, male-biased mortality ceased in all four species. This outcome held across benign and challenging environmental conditions. Fitting demographic survival models revealed that increased baseline mortality was primarily responsible for a shorter male life span in social-housing conditions. The timing and rate of aging were not different between the sexes. No marker of functional aging we recorded in our study (lipofuscin accumulation, proliferative changes in kidney and liver) differed between males and females, despite their previously confirmed association with functional aging in Nothobranchius killifish. We show that sex differences in life span and aging in killifish are driven by a combination of social and environmental conditions, rather than differential functional aging. They are primarily linked to sexual selection but precipitated through multiple processes (predation, social interference). This demonstrates how sex-specific mortality varies among species even within an ecologically and evolutionary discrete lineage and explains how external factors mediate this difference.

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