Publication details

Od výběru střední školy k neúspěchu u maturity: role angažovanosti

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Title in English From the choice of upper-secondary school to the failure at final exam: the role of student engagement STUDENT ENGAGEMENT


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation ROZVADSKÁ, Katarína and Lenka HLOUŠKOVÁ. Od výběru střední školy k neúspěchu u maturity: role angažovanosti (From the choice of upper-secondary school to the failure at final exam: the role of student engagement STUDENT ENGAGEMENT). In XXX. výroční konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu (ČAPV). 2022.
Description In case of failure, obtaining upper secondary education is a matter of the so-called second chance (Glorieux et al. 2011; Schuchart & Schimke, 2019), which is lacking in the Czech education system. From the point of view of repeatedly unsuccessful high school graduates from 2018, 2019 and 2020, the link between the ways of choosing a secondary school, individual aspects of their engagement and repeated failure at the high school diploma emerges in their narratives. The results lead us to think about the principles of second chances education for unsuccessful graduates, which would not be linked with the original upper secondary institution
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