Publication details

Decoloniality of knowledge: Scientic dissemination of indigenous women productions



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anthropologia Integra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web URL
Keywords Indigenous women; decoloniality; human sciences; colonisation; dissertations
Description Th is study analyzed theses and master‘s dissertations of indigenous women in public universities of Brazil. Th e history of the colonization in Brazil left traces of a power dynamic that devalued indigenous culture. With this, the monopolization of knowledge and communication was established by people who reinforce the Eurocentric production of knowledge. We outlined a study that crossed the lines of indigenous women‘s productions with the discussions already produced by researchers of the decoloniality in human sciences. We faced the silencing processes that these women went through during their studies. We identifi ed the diffi culties of dissemination of these important works and the impacts generated by the new dynamics of those who were once objects of study and slowly occupy their spaces in a claim for their standpoint. Th erefore, we highlighted the need for direct action by universities to encourage and better disseminate the counter-hegemonic productions of indigenous women.

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