Publication details

Unwelcomed Strangers : Foreigners at the Court of Sigismund of Luxembourg in Hungary



Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper analyses the presence of foreigners at the royal court as one of the most significant elements in the conflict between the local nobility and Sigismund of Luxembourg at the time of his ascension to the Hungarian throne. The paper argues that from the moment of his coronation, Sigismund suffered from a serious lack of support among the political elite of his Hungarian royal predecessor. Lacking the support of the old elite, the young ruler increasingly relied on his foreign adherents in the governance of the kingdom. This only exacerbated the conflict, also because the ruler regularly broke his promises of not taking foreigners into his service. After Sigismund, who had been legitimately enthroned, was imprisoned by the rebellious lords, the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict was reduced to a minimum.
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