Publication details

Interpreting Future Histories : Prophetic Thinking in the Oral Tradition of the Bulgan River Basin in Western Mongolia

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SRBA Ondřej

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mongolica Pragensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Western Mongolia; Altai Uriankhai; Bulgan River Basin; oral tradition; predictions; prophecy
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Description This contribution, based on field research of the Altai Uriankhai ethnic subgroup in Western Mongolia and the neighbouring groups of the Zakhchin and Torguud, addresses the role of prophetic thinking in Mongolian oral tradition and oral history. The perception of time and the chronology of oral tradition is marked by strong prophetic or predictive thinking. Through four thematic examples from oral sources, I investigate the significance of prophetic narratives in oral tradition from the point of view of its narrators. It is possible to recognize three temporally different utterances of prophecy in the oral narratives: prophecies considered as fulfilled in the past, prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the future, and prophecies said to be fulfilled in the present.
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