Publication details

Lidský kapitál a dynamika stínové ekonomiky v České republice: DSGE přístup

Title in English Human capital and the dynamics of the shadow economy in the Czech Republic: A DSGE approach


Year of publication 2022
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The diploma thesis identifies the impact of human capital on the dynamics of shadow and official economy of the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on previous scientific findings and research and with the use of bayesian methods and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium methodology performs three estimations on a defined model of the economy, which includes the shadow economy and heterogeneous human capital, using real data from the first quarter of 2003 to the fourth quarter of 2019. Based on the analysis of the convergence of estimates on 3 000 000 replications, posterior information and impulse response functions, the thesis shows that skilled households are more involved in the dynamics of the shadow and official economies than unskilled households, mainly due to their access to capital market and higher sensitivity to exogenous shocks.
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