Publication details

Vliv teploty skladování na mikrobiologický profil, aktivitu vody a pH baleného mletého masa

Title in English Effect of storage temperature on microbiological profile, water activity and pH of packaged minced meat


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Maso
Keywords air package; total amount of microorganisms; psychrotrophic microorganisms
Description The study aimed at assessing the effect of the storage temperature on water activity, pH and the result of selected microbiological analyses of minced meat in simple packaging. Cold chain interruption of various durations, which can occur for example during food transport, was simulated for minced beef, beef/pork mixture and poultry meat packed in polypropylene plastic trays covered with stretch film. The total amount of microorganisms and as well as the amount of psychrotrophic microorganisms after the cold chain disruption were affected by the temperature as well as by type of meat and the time of sampling after the cold chain interruption. Higher temperature, longer cold chain interruption time and longer post-disruption examination time resulted in higher total plate counts. The length of cold chain disruption, however, significantly affected only the total number of microorganisms. pH and water activity values were affected by the temperature and meat type, while the duration of cold chain interruption and time of examination after it had no significant effect. In conclusion, cold chain interruption can affect the outcome of subsequent microbiological testing, especially at higher levels of exposure to elevated temperature.
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