Publication details

Správní trestání a právo na spravedlivý proces

Title in English Administrative punishment and the right to a fair trial


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2022: část 1
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Administrative Penalty; Punishment; Fair Trial; Seriousness and Nature of the Offence; Environment.
Description Punishment represents one of the most tangible interventions in the legal sphere of the offender. The sentencing process is influenced by a number of factors that affect the final level and type of punishment imposed for the specific conduct of a particular offender. Punishments can be distinguished between administrative punishments – imposed by administrative authorities for an offense committed – and judicial punishments imposed by the courts for a crime. In many respects, proceedings for an offense are very similar to proceedings for a crime, and it is this similarity that is most reflected in the principles applied, in particular the principle of the right to a fair trial. This paper is devoted to the principles that arise from the right to a fair trial and have an impact on the administrative penalty imposed, particularly in the field of environmental protection.
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