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E-learningová sekce, která prezentuje výsledky a výstupy přizpůsobené potřebám učitelek a učitelů pedagogických VOŠ a SŠ

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Title in English E-learning section that presents results and outputs tailored to to the needs of teachers at teacher training colleges and secondary schools


Year of publication 2021
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The e-learning platform is used to share educational videos for teaching purposes. It has been designed to meet the needs of the target group, while allowing for effective management of the instructional videos and the necessary protection of personal data (the videos show children in a playgroup setting and their parents have agreed to their filming on the condition that they are used only for educational purposes). This is achieved by sharing the materials under a password via an existing sharing platform with addressed teacher training colleges and secondary schools. The videos can be downloaded for use within the given school: The contacted school management downloads the materials and distributes them according to pre-specified written conditions to those teachers for whom they are relevant.
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