Publication details

METODIKA 3A: Nástroj pro reflexi výuky a hodnocení její kvality

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Title in English The 3A Methodology: Teaching reflection and quality assessment tool


Year of publication 2022
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In this publication, we present Methodology 3A as a tool for didactic analysis focused on educational content. Methodology 3A is the name for a methodological procedure of reflection and analysis of teaching, associated with the evaluation of the quality of teaching and with the proposal of improving changes - the so-called alteration of teaching. Its name is derived from the three basic steps in the didactic analysis of teaching: annotation - description of the teaching situation and its broader context; analysis - detailed didactic analysis of key teaching situations; alteration - proposal of a didactic change to improve the quality of teaching. Didactic analysis through Methodology 3A enables an understanding of how the learning environment is shaped in teaching to provide opportunities for pupils to learn, thus providing a solid basis for improving its quality.
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