Publication details

Educational Psychology Aspects of Learning with Chatbots without Artificial Intelligence : Suggestions for Designers


ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords chatbot; dialogue systems; information literacy; design through research; chatbot without AI; dialogue; e-learning; HCI
Description Chatbots without artificial intelligence can play the role of practical and easy-to-implement learning objects in e-learning environments, allowing a reduction in social or psychological isolation. This research, with a sample of 79 students, explores the principles that need to be followed in designing this kind of chatbot in education in order to ensure an acceptable outcome for students. Research has shown that students interacting with a chatbot without artificial intelligence expect similar psychological and communicative responses to those of a live human, project the characteristics of the chatbot from the dialogue, and are taken aback when the chatbot does not understand or cannot help them sufficiently. The study is based on a design through research approach, in which students in information studies and library science interacted with a specific chatbot focused on information retrieval, and recorded their experiences and feelings in an online questionnaire. The study intends to find principles for the design of chatbots without artificial intelligence so that students feel comfortable interacting with them.

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