Publication details

Plazmochemická modifikace povrchu plastů pro zlepšení adheze lepeného spoje dalších materiálů

Title in English Plasma chemical modification of plastic surface to improve the adhesion of the bonded joint of other materials


Year of publication 2019
Type Pilot plant, certified technology, variety, breed
Description The technology was verified on a prototype device of plasma nozzle I. (GA - gliding arc) with two side inlets for argon supply (plasma width approx. 30 mm), where compressed air flows in the plasma nozzle, in which own plasma is generated, and double-sided side supply feeds argon into the plasma discharge, which widens the width of the plasma discharge and thus also widens the effective width of the treatment. In addition, due to the excited argon particles, the efficiency of the plasma chemical modification of the plastic (polypropylene) surface is also increased. The adhesion test was performed by gluing aluminum with plasma-modified polypropylene. According to standard: ČSN EN 1465: Adhesives - Determination of tensile shear strength of overlapped glued assemblies. ÚNMZ, 2009.). Bonding was realized 24 hours after sample preparation. After the performed tests (gluing of polypropylene with aluminum), 250 mm/s was determined as the optimal speed of the plasma nozzle movement over the cleaned surface of the material (or vice versa - the movement of the cleaned surface under the plasma nozzle). Just one plasma treatment cycle was chosen as sufficient after the tests, because increasing number of cycles did not increase the strength of the glued joint. The distance of the nozzle orifice from the cleaned surface of the material is about 10 mm.
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