Publication details

Plazmochemická modifikace povrchu polypropylenu nanovrstvami s funkčními skupinami pro zlepšení adheze lepeného spoje

Title in English Plasma-chemical modification of polypropylene surfaces by nanolayers containing functional groups for improving an adhesive joint strength


Year of publication 2020
Type Pilot plant, certified technology, variety, breed
Description The proven technology utilizes a prototype device of the plasma jet I. (GA – gliding arc) with the side gas injection system composed of two side inlets (plasma width 30 mm). It includes two subsequent technological steps each based on one pass over a sample (i.e. in a real technology two consecutive plasma jets would be used): 1st step – pretreatment of a polypropylene surface with a technology developed during the project that is based on a prototype of the plasma jet I. with two side gas inlets injecting pure argon, 2nd step – plasma-chemical modification of the surface with HMDSO nanolayer deposited by the prototype of the plasma jet I. with two side inlets injecting a mixture of argon and HMDSO vapors. The main advantage of the newly developed technology is a creation of Si-containing functional groups on the polypropylene surface which facilitate improvement of tensile strength between polypropylene and inorganic materials such as ceramics, glass, ceramic coated glass, metals, etc. at the treatment speeds higher than 250 mm/s. One step plasma-chemical technology based on an n-hexane nanolayer is also included in the proven technology.
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