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Senioři v krizích aneb otázka věkové přátelskosti složek IZS

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Title in English Seniors in crises or the question of age-friendliness of the IZS


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description In world populations, including the Czech Republic, there is an unprecedented increase in the number of people in the higher age. This increase is also reflected in an increase in the proportion of older people among the clients of integrated (IZS), especially in crises of both individual scale (falls in the home) and environment, missing persons due to Alzheimer's disease or other dementias), as well as in crises medium and large-scale crises associated (not only) with climate change (e.g. tornadoes, floods, Purpose: International studies have shown that crises particularly affect the older persons. severely. While a physically and psychologically healthy senior with an active social network is vulnerable during a crisis similar to the rest of the population, a frail, socially isolated and homebound senior becomes extremely vulnerable/vulnerable. However, emergency services in the Czech Republic lack a unified methodology to ensure, reinforce and sometimes even implement age-friendliness principles of services and interventions during crises. Our paper aims to start drawing attention to this problem and uses the form of introducing the topic by presenting work on an emerging scoping study guided by the question "What is known from the literature about the practices and strategies of emergency services in crisis interventions with or involving the older persons?". At the conference we will present preliminary results of a study mapping relevant areas, challenges and practices of emergency services abroad. In this context, the question of age-friendliness of emergency services is also a gateway to broader debates on the protection of life in older age and their ethical and human rights implications, as well as on the specific forms of (spatial) ageism that we encounter in the search for intersections e.g. between the design of services for the elderly and their provision 'for' and 'in case' of different types of crises, emergencies and disasters.
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