Publication details

Identita učitele střední odborné školy

Title in English Identity of the teacher of a secondary vocational school


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 15. didaktická konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords identity of teacher, secondary vocational school teacher, literature review
Description For many, the teacher represents an important personality shaping them in many areas. The teacher is aware of the resulting importance of his role and therefore in many cases tries to improve and further develop his competences. At the same time, there is a more meaningful conception of the teacher's own identity. It is a wider concept, while it can be approached from a psychological, social, or socio-cultural point of view, i.e., the teacher's self-concept, his assessment of himself, but also the assessment of the idealized idea of the teacher as such, assessment based on personality traits and other factors can be included. Therefore, several forms and layers of the teacher's identity can be identified. In the paper, the theoretical clarification of the specifics of the identity of a secondary vocational schoolteacher, based on a literature review of available articles in the WOS and SCOPUS database is presented.
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