Publication details

Zařízení pro úpravu adhezních vlastností polymerních fólií a desek, zejména určených k výrobě vrstveného bezpečnostního skla

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Title in English Device for modification of adhesion properties of polymer foils and boards especially intended for the production of laminated safety glass


Year of publication 2022
Type Legally protected outcomes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Spis na stránke UPV
Description The utility model solves the technical problem of large-area (plasma) treatment of ionoplast interlayers with sufficient surface homogeneity, including the required edge treatment, for the production of laminated glass. The necessity of surface treatment of polymers is widely known. However, conventional methods using e.g., flame treatment, are not effective enough and often result in large area inhomogeneities and local destruction of modified surface and even bulk material. An alternative method may be the application of atmospheric ambient air plasma, which allows sufficient improvement of adhesion properties of treated material with the required surface uniformity. The so-called industrial corona has been used for decades to treat thin polymer films of thickness, not more than 0.5 mm. However, this technology does not allow plasma modification of thicker materials (e.g., interlayers thicker than 1 mm) due to uneconomical requirements for power generators, which would enable the generation of a stable electrical plasma in industrial corona devices with larger electrode gaps. On the other hand, surface dielectric barrier discharges are capable of generation of thin plasma layer over a larger area and, thus are more suitable for large-area surface modification of materials. In the case of treatment of non-porous materials, direct contact of generated plasma with the treated surface is required for effective surface modification, and thus precisely adjusted distance between the treated surface and surface of plasma unit is required. This utility model solves the problem of precise guidance of one or more plasma units generating a plasma of a limited area for plasma treatment over large areas. The presented technical solution is not limited to the surface treatment of the ionoplast interlayers. This utility model may be utilized in various areas of the industry for surface modification of large-area sheets and thicker foils made of various non-porous materials.
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