Publication details

METODIKA 3A: Nástroj pro reflexi výuky a hodnocení její kvality

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Title in English The 3A Methodology: Teaching reflection and quality assessment tool


Year of publication 2022
Type Survey and educational texts
Description 3A procedure – designation for the methodological procedure of reflection and qualitative analysis of teaching, which is associated with the evaluation of the quality of teaching and the proposal of improving changes. The concept of 3A methodology follows the tradition of didactic analysis focused on the content of education as developed in the didactic approach of W. Klafki (1967). The idea here is that the teacher first reflects on the question “what will I teach / what will the pupils learn” and derives the choice of teaching practices, i.e. “how will I teach / how will the pupils go about learning”, from the answer to this question. The method of research on teaching presented here is intended to meet the needs of teachers first and foremost by addressing the questions that teachers actually have to address when they prepare lessons, when they work with pupils in them, and when they reflect on ways to improve them. The book will offer teachers the opportunity to engage with research findings and to put them into practice.
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