Publication details

Maturitní zkouška jako rébus: Jak neúspěšní maturanti vnímají organizaci a obsah zkoušky

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Title in English Graduation exam as puzzle: How unsuccessful graduates perceive the organization and content of the exam


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The shape of the Matura exam, implemented in its current form since 2011, is not perceived as entirely coherent in terms of content and concept. Interviews with informants show that (a) mainly the part of the state school- leaving examination becomes problematic for them. (b) After failure, students’ attitude towards sources of information changes. (c) The Covid-19 situation proved to be a complicating factor. In the article, we document, among other things, that it can be difficult for students to understand what is expected of them.
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