Publication details

Limitations of contract cheating research



Year of publication 2022
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description The contemporary scientific literature on contract cheating offers numerous studies analysing the extent of this form of academic misconduct, including percentages of students engaging in contract cheating based on their field of study, age, gender, and other indicators (e.g., Awdry & Ives, 2020; Bretag, 2019). Given the importance of such studies, researchers startlingly rely on self-reported data obtained via student questionnaires, which is frequently the only method of data collection (Newton, 2018). There are numerous drawbacks to this method, like self-selection bias, confirmation bias, and many others (Mahmud & Bretag, 2013). In this chapter, we summarise the limitations of contemporary contract cheating research, provide recommendations on how to mitigate these limitations, and offer a wider variety of methods that researchers should consider using.

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