Publication details

Slovotvorný analyzátor pro výuku češtiny pro cizince

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Title in English Word formation analyzer for teaching Czech to foreigners


Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation SOKOLOVA, Anastasija, Adriana VÁLKOVÁ and Ivana KOLÁŘOVÁ. Slovotvorný analyzátor pro výuku češtiny pro cizince (Word formation analyzer for teaching Czech to foreigners). In Jazykovědné sdružení České republiky, pobočka Brno. 2023.
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Description SLAN is a didactic tool that processes word formation for the needs of teaching Czech as a second/foreign language. The tool represents an opportunity to systematically work with word formation in the teaching of foreigners and to take advantage of the fact that more than ? of the Czech vocabulary consists of derived words.
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