Publication details

An atlas that has not been published. Unique printed map files of the Geographical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences



Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The Geographical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, operated in Brno in the period 1963-1993, was engaged in basic geographical research, which also presented a number of cartographic outputs. The employees of the institute participated in the preparation of atlas works of the entire republic (e.g. Atlas of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic - 1966, Czechoslovak Military Atlas - 1965, Atlas of Czechoslovak History). The Institute of Geography also published its own atlases (e.g. The set of maps for spatial planning needs for the development of heavy industry in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic – 1981, Atlas of the Population of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic – 1987, Atlas of the Environment and Health of the Population of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic – 1992). An unique cartographic product is represented by sets of physical-geographical and economic-geographical maps of Czech Socialist Republic, which were the outputs of the Geographical Regionalization project. The project consisted of sub-tasks: Physical-geographical regionalization and Economic-geographical regionalization. These projects were solved from the 1960s to the 1980s and were mainly presented with maps on a scale of 1:500,000, selected maps were also on a scale of 1:1 million. Sets of maps of geographic regionalization were published gradually from 1971 to 1977. The maps showed the spatial distribution of individual physical-geographical components of the landscape (e.g. Climatic regions, Biogeographic divisions, Density of running water, Regions of shallow groundwater, etc.). The relief was processed in detail, including morphometric maps (Vertical Terrain Dissection, Medium terrain elevation). The map of the Medium Terrain Inclination of the Czech Socialist Republic - was classified at the time. These partial (analytic) maps were then followed by synthetic maps: Typological relief division and Regional relief division. The last map in particular reached a number of editions and became part of the Geographical Lexicon of the Czech Republic and the Landscape Atlas of the Czech Republic. As part of the Set of economic-geographical regionalization maps, the map of Agricultural Regions was published. It is a pity that these maps did not reach a comprehensive atlas edition, as they represented unique cartographic outputs in their time. Exceptionally and despite a long time gap, also some other maps from the unique set of Physical-geographical regionalization entered the recent national atlas effort – the Landscape Atlas of the Czech Republic published in 2009. The Climate regions map and The environment map of the Czech Republic at a scale of 1:500,000 due to a timeless concept and so far unsurpassed creation methodology complement the modern atlas very well. They are of course a reflection of their time, as both climatic conditions and the state of the environment have changed significantly over the past 50 years. However, these maps symbolize the continuity of atlas production in the Czech lands.

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