Publication details

VOZÁR, Jozef. Zakladatelia Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského Bratislava: Veda, 2022, 141 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1980

Title in English VOZAR, Jozef. Founders of the Law Faculty of Comenius University Bratislava: Veda, 2022, 141 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1980

VOJÁČEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2023
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description Jozef Vozár; Law Faculty of the Charles University in Bratislava; founders; Augustin Ráth; Karel Laštovka; Otakar Sommer; Emil Svoboda; Bohuš Tomsa; Jan Vážný

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