Publication details

Rozdílnost efektivity distančního vzdělávání a prezenční výuky

Title in English The difference in the effectiveness of distance education and full time teaching


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference CrisCon 2022 – Krizové řízení a řešení krizových situací
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Odkaz na příspěvek ve sborníku
Keywords Vocational education; online learning; competence; lifelong learning
Description The contribution is focused on the effectiveness of professional education in full time teaching and online education. Vocational education is an integral part of continuing education and its quality directly affects the overall running of the organization. In 2020, vocational education is facing a new challenge, which is Covid-19. The usual form of face-to-face teaching is transformed into a distance learning form in a relatively short time. The reason is to preserve at least the most necessary range of teaching for the most necessary time, and part of the education is solved by self-study. During the introduction of distance education, the issues of digital literacy of the participants in the educational process, technical equipment and a good internet connection were addressed. The results of the effectiveness of the educational process could not be solved due to the historically short duration of the teaching. Distance education has positively influenced the digital literacy of the participants, but at the same time, their participation in education is lower. The main goal of the contribution is to characterize the differences in knowledge acquired during online education and face-to-face teaching. Online education is a relatively new method that began to be widely used with the growing Covid-19 pandemic, and its use continues to gain significant popularity. Now it is necessary to verify whether the participants in education achieve better results during face-to-face teaching or online education.

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