Publication details

Luční mokřady: k čemu slouží a co pro ně můžeme udělat?

Title in English Meadow wetlands: what are they for and what can we do for them?


Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KOTASOVÁ ADÁMKOVÁ, Marie. Luční mokřady: k čemu slouží a co pro ně můžeme udělat? (Meadow wetlands: what are they for and what can we do for them?). 2022.
Description Ecological restoration, which uses spontaneous natural processes or directs them in a sensitive way to the target ecosystem, is increasingly being applied to wetland biotopes as well. Agrarian and especially urban landscapes are often perceived only from a production point of view and their biological value is neglected. At the same time, valuable replacement habitats for a number of organisms can also be created here. The contribution summarizes examples of good practice from the Czech Republic and abroad, e.g. small spontaneously formed wetlands on arable land, spontaneously formed nutrient-poor wetlands in mining areas or various waterlogged habitats in settlements.
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