Publication details

Manýrismus v hudbě a umění – epocha nebo umělecké styly?

Title in English Mannerism in Music and Art - Epoch or Artistic Styles?


Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The stylistic concept of Mannerism underwent remarkable changes in the 20th century. Its cultural and historical importance was discovered in the history of art in the 1920s, and subsequently scientific interest in it culminated in the research of the 1960s and 1970s. Mannerism was understood as a peculiar and wonderful epoch in which the beginnings of our present world were sought. After this successful boom, associated with large publications and exhibitions, doubts began to appear at the beginning of our century, whether it is even adequate to consider the period between the Renaissance and the Baroque as a single, homogeneous cultural epoch. Using several examples, the lecture attempts to show Mannerist styles in art and music in the period between their beginnings in the new cultural foci after the Sacco di Roma in 1527 and their end at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.
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