Publication details

Migrační pohyby prvních Slovanů a jejich rané osídlení. In JAGOŠOVÁ, Lucie a Pavol TIŠLIAR (eds.). Slované: život a smrt v raném středověku (materiály a statě)

Title in English Migration movements of the first Slavs and their early settlement. In JAGOŠOVÁ, Lucie a Pavol TIŠLIAR (eds.). Slované: život a smrt v raném středověku (materiály a statě)


Year of publication 2023
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This article traces the migratory movements of the first Slavs. The historical events that influenced the development of the Slavic people, as well as the first settlements, the main types of dwellings and their interior decoration are considered.
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