Publication details

Erster Hort aus der Hallstattzeit in Ostböhmen (Stíčany, Bez. Chrudim)

Title in English First hoard from the Hallstatt period in East Bohemia (Sticany, district of Chrudim)


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Praehistorische Zeitschrift
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web stránky PZ
Keywords Hoard find; Hallstatt period; East Bohemia; bronze jewellery; hollow sheet metal rings; ring jewellery; amber
Description An assemblage of bronze artefacts and amber beads was found at a site disturbed by ploughing in the cadastral territory of Sticany in the district of Chrudim on 8. February 2014, a find that significantly alters our previous notion of the level of knowledge achieved in connection with the research of the Hallstatt period in Bohemia. Experience to date suggested that the relevant source base had already been developed to such an extent that it was possible to reliably determine the individual local cultural entities not only in terms of territory but also on the basis of their material content, and that a detailed relative chronology was available for the simple classification of finds. While newly acquired finds typically confirmed this idea, the Hallstatt hoard to which this article is devoted clearly disrupts it. This is, after all, the first truly unquestionable hoard from the Hallstatt period in the Bohemia. At first glance, this assemblage is unique not only for its solitary character and because its composition significantly changes the current idea of artefactual composition in the Czech Silesian-Platenice culture of the Hallstatt period, but mainly because it brings new knowledge of cultural ties on which we previously lacked precise information. Among other contributions, this creates space for new interpretations of the functioning of society at the transition from the late to final Hallstatt period and about intercultural relations at this time in broader central Europe.
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