Publication details

Hledání Abrama Terce. Dobové archivní materiály vydané před odhalením pravé identity autora

Title in English The Search of Abram Tertz. Archive materials published before the author's true identity was revealed


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The focus of presented article lies on reception of Abram Tertz’s early works published in the West before the author’s true identity was revealed. Andrei Sinyavsky (1925 – 1997), publishing under name of Abram Tertz, was a Russian literary scientist and author, convicted of subversion by the Soviet government in 1966 and sentenced to seven years of hard labour. After being released he was allowed to emigrate to France. The analyzed texts have been selected with a special emphasis on authors’ attempt to characterize Tertz’s attitude to communist ideology as well as his origins and education.
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