Publication details

Students´ Independently Prepared Podcasts and our Lesson on Internationalization



Year of publication 2022
Type Special-purpose publication
Description Legal work has substantially changed over the years, focusing on the preparation for real life, which is reflected in teaching legal disciplines as well as legal English. Students need to be equipped with team work skills, effective use of technology, they should communicate well and be ready to cooperate internationally. Our positive experience with international videoconferencing led us to using other social media and technology for synchronous and asynchronous work. In the presentation I will share various approaches to creating podcasts outside a classroom, where students are given a lot of freedom in terms of forming international teams, agreeing on a topic, distribution of work, communication and preparation of the final product – a podcast on a legal topic. Through activities like this one, students from two cultures, no matter how close they are culturally, gain hands-on experience with time management, leadership and team work, they also acquire new technical skills from real professionals in the field (e.g. Louise Kulbicki) and the art of giving each other meaningful feedback. The presentation includes students´ reflection at the end of the course, in which they frequently described their positive, mixed as well as negative experience, their insecurities, frustration and expectations.

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