Publication details

Češkijat glagol "tunelovat" i negovite derivati – simvol na ikonomičeskata prestăpnost ot 90-te godini na 20-ti vek v Čechija

Title in English The Czech Verb "tunelovat" and its Derivatives – a Symbol of Economic Crime Since the 1990s in Czechia


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The change in social and political conditions in Czechoslovakia and then in independent Czechia after 1989 caused significant dynamics in the creation of new words and expressions or the expansion of the meaning of already existing words. A symbolic representative of the emergence of new words and meanings is the verb tunelovat and its derivatives (tunelování, tunelář, etc.), which began to be used to describe a certain way of realizing economic crime, through which privileged individuals from the time of the communist totalitarian regime become a privileged layer of society and in the new conditions of freedom thanks to their connections, financial security from the past and their entrepreneurial cynicism. The report presents a linguistic analysis of this expression and its derivatives from the point of view of lexical semantics, word formation and frequency of use. The analysis is based on both the relevant scientific literature and data from the Czech National Corpus.
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