Publication details

Die Bewertung der geschenkten Sache und die „Zurückbehaltung“ von Nutzungsrechten (§ 788 ABGB)

Title in English The valuation of the gift and the "retention" of rights of use (§ 788 ABGB)


Year of publication 2022
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description On the occasion of his 65th birthday, 34 authors dedicate this commemorative publication to university professor Peter Mader in his honour. It reflects the extraordinarily broad spectrum of the honoree's areas of interest and research: Her 32 contributions span the spectrum from questions of Roman law to Austrian and German civil law to the current issues that arise in legal information and data protection. Here you are holding top-class work in your hands, which impresses you with the high legal quality of the contributions.

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