Publication details

zum Konvergenzgrad bei der Valenzrealisierung im Umfeld von tschechischen und deutschen Wahrnehmungserben

Title in English On the degree of convergence of valence realization structures in the environment of Czech and German verba sentiendi

MUZIKANT Mojmír WAGNER Roland Anton

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords actants; accusative with infinitive; comparative syntax; free complements; particle verbs; perception verbs; valency;
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Description The paper reports on an attempt to determine as precise as possible the degree of convergence between morphosyntactic structures realizing the valence potential of perceptions verbs in Czech and German. The basic material is taken from available valency dictionaries of Czech and German supplemented by additional surveys into the electronic corpora of both languages. Overall, we found a degree of convergence of 0,7, which is insignificantly higher than the degree of convergence determined in a roughly comparable survey for Slovak and French (Chovancová, 2017). A closer scrutiny of the cases of divergence in valency realization in the second part of the paper reveals that verb particles in German and reflexivity in both languages are a major factor preventing more fully convergence of valence realization in both languages.

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