Publication details

Milan Kundera, ou le voyage de la périphérie au centre de la littérature mondiale

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Title in English Milan Kundera, or the Travel from the Periphery to the Center of World Literature


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ostium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords center-periphery; axiology; Milan Kundera; Czech literature; French literature
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Description Considered from the point of view of the center-periphery relationship, Milan Kundera’s literary career appears as a trajectory from the Moravian periphery to the immediate centrality of Prague, and from the Prague periphery, in relation to Paris, to world literature via his entry into French literature. The aim of our contribution is to show Kundera’s awareness of the axiological implications of the center-periphery relationship and the strategies he develops in order to impose himself at the center of the literary field. The analogies between the Czech and French phases of Kundera’s career also involve an important aesthetic aspect in connection with the evolution of the novelistic genre.
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