Publication details

Pohlavní styk s osobou stejného pohlaví a jeho trestní postih v socialistickém Československu

Title in English Sexual Intercourse with a Person of the Same Sex and its Criminal Punishment in Socialist Czechoslovakia


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro pravní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords Homosexuality; Criminal Law; Crime; Offenders; Prostitution; Social Parasitism; Czechoslovakia; Socialism
Description The article deals with the legal-historical development of the criminalisation of homosexual relations in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, with an emphasis on the offence of sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex under the Criminal Code of 1961, under which were offenders prosecuted for this offence – those who had sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex under the age of 18 or exploited the dependence of the other person, those who gave or received payment for same-sex intercourse and those who caused public outrage by their homosexual intercourse. The main aim of this article is to present the specifics of this offence through concrete examples of its application by the District Court for Prague 1.
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