Publication details

Igazságügyi reform kondicionalitási mechanizmus idején

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Title in English Judicial Reform in Time of Conditionality Mechanism


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jogtudományi közlöny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords Judicial independence; Rule of law; Conditionality Mechnism; Judiciary
Attached files
Description The Hungarian judiciary has been criticised for some time. Some of these have been somewhat muted in the European Commission's country reports on the rule of law. The Government and the representatives of the Supreme Court and the Judicial Office, which operate the judicial system, have only reacted to these documents to a very modest extent, and these reactions have mostly been more or less subtle versions of rejection. In view of this, it can be considered a major turnaround that the government has come forward with a proposal on the court organisation system that touches on many points of the debates that have dominated the last decade. These have the unconcealed aim of fulfilling commitments to the independence of the judiciary in the context of the conditionality mechanism. The measures adopted as part of the reform package represent progress in a number of respects, but the end result is still far from perfect.
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