Publication details

Freedom and Respekt: Who Are the Montessori School Teachers? A Professional Identity Study in Czech Republic


JURČÍK Miroslav

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords professional identity; Montessori school; teacher; identity
Description This study investigates the professional identity of Montessori school teachers. The research was conducted using qualitative methodology, specifically in-depth semi-structured interviews with teachers in Montessori schools located in Brno, Czech Republic. The study found that the professional identity of Montessori school teachers consists of two main components: (1) PI of the creator of the prepared environment and (2) PI of the individual guide. These identities are mainly influenced by factors such as respect for the child's development and freedom in the classroom, as well as their own personal beliefs and values. The results highlight the importance of respecting the individuality of each child and creating a supportive environment that allows for freedom and exploration within structure. This research sheds light on the unique characteristics and challenges faced by Montessori teachers, and provides insights into the development of their professional identity.
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