Publication details

Management, Technology and Sport. Proceedings of the Second International Conference held on 2. 2. 2023 at the Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University in Brno in Cooperation with the Czech Management Association

Title in English Management, technologie a sport. Sborník z druhé mezinárodní konference konané 2. 2. 2023 na Fakultě sportovních studií Masarykovy univerzity ve spolupráci s Českou manažerskou asociací


Year of publication 2023
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Description On 2.2.2023 the 2nd International Conference “Management, Technology and Sport” was held at the Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University in Brno in cooperation with the Czech Management Association. The conference was opened by the Minister of Science, Research and Innovation Mgr. Helena Langšádlová and the President of the Czech Management Association Ing. Olga Girstlová, Ph.D. Innovative contributions at the conference covered a wide range of management issues (organization of a major sporting event and the impact of covid on spectator attendance), economics (aspects of budgeting of sports teams taking into account the crisis situation or the economic concept of willingness to pay in the sporting environment), technology (relationships between communication, technology and management models, e-sport). The next III International Conference “Management, Technology and Sport” will take place on 2. 2. 2024 in cooperation with American, German and Israeli universities.

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