Publication details

Oscillation of linear and half-linear difference equations via modified Riccati transformation



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠIŠOLÁKOVÁ, Jiřina. Oscillation of linear and half-linear difference equations via modified Riccati transformation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 528, No 2, p. 1-19. ISSN 0022-247X. Available from:
Keywords Half-linear equations; Linear equations; Difference equations; Oscillation; Riccati transformation; Riccati equation
Description In this paper, we introduce a new oscillation criterion for Euler type half-linear difference equations with positive coefficients which are asymptotically periodic and bounded, respectively. As the mean of proving the criterion, the generalized adapted Riccati transformation is used. The presented main result is the oscillatory counterpart of a previously obtained non-oscillation criterion for the treated equations. Therefore, the result shows that the analyzed equations are conditionally oscillatory. Then we emphasize the novelty of the result in the linear case by several consequences.
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