Publication details

Ojedinělé nálezy součástí koňského postroje z pozdní doby bronzové až počátku doby železné z pohoří Chřiby

Title in English Single finds of the horse harness parts from the Final Bronze Age or the beginning of the Iron Age from the Chřiby Mountains


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pravěk Nová řada
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Chřiby Mountains; Final Bronze Age; Early Iron Age; Thraco-Cimmerian horizon; horse harness; detectoring; elemental composition analysis
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Description The paper informs about new ?nds from the Chřiby Mountains area obtained with the help of metal detectorists, which are functionally and chronologically classi?able as parts of a horse harness dated back to the Final Bronze Age or to the Early Iron Age, which in their design correspond to the material content of the ’Thraco-Cimmerian horizon‘, widely discussed in the past. Attention is paid to the technological-typological and chronological analysis of a part of a damaged bronze horse bit discovered in the cadastre of Roštín and a pair of cheek pieces from the cadastre of Břestek in the context of similar ?nds from Moravia. Through analyses of the spatial distribution of similar types of horse harness elements in Central and Eastern Europe and analyses of elemental composition, the paper also contributes to the discussion of the validity of the ’Thraco-Cimmerian horizon‘ long-term associated with the nomadic invasion at the end of the Bronze Age. An integral part of the study is also a polemic over the interpretative possibilities of the ?nd situations and the contribution of amateur detectorism to the understanding of the development of human activities in the area of the Chřiby Mountains.
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