Publication details

Jakou školou jsme: newsletter jako nástroj utváření identity školy

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Title in English What Kind of School We Are: The Newsletter As a Tool for Shaping the School Identity


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis Scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords identity of school; newsletter; private school; qualitative content analysis
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Description At present, the increasing trend of establishing private schools leads researchers to explore their identity and self-formation. In the contribution, we deal with how we can understand the gradually forming and presented identity of a newly founded private school. We examine the school’s identity by concerting the fact that it is a complex, significantly procedural phenomenon. In this text, we only look at it from one point of view, through the newsletters, a modern form of direct marketing through which the school communicates with its supporters online. Our goal is not to examine the effectiveness of this form of marketing communication. The data offered by the newsletters were used for clarifying the building of the school’s identity, which used the newsletters to communicate with potentially interested parties and subsequently with the parents of the school’s pupils under investigation. We reveal the formed identity of the school through a qualitative content analysis of the newsletters. The results of the inductive analysis point to four key characteristics of identity: open school, cooperating school, self-inspiring and enlightening, which intersect in the central category of collective identity “school as an anthill”. The characteristics of the collective identity of the studied school are transferable to other schools. The results thus bring inspiration as to how it is possible to approach the building of the school’s identity, what the limits are and what brings the collective identity of the school can bring to the communication of the school’s actors.
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