Publication details

Mentoring among university teachers: on the way to pedagogically productive talk



Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This paper examines the mentoring conversations among university teachers and shows how the concept of pedagogically productive talk is used in these conversations. Pedagogically productive talk is teacher collaborative discourse that combines six principles, which assumed to socialize teachers into productive ways of talking and thinking about practice, dispositions to reflect on and improve practice, and a commitment to student learning and teaching excellence (Lefstein et al., 2020). The quality of teacher education is perceived as an important factor influencing the quality of teaching and student outcomes (Hattie, 2009; MacPhail, Ulvik, Guberman, Czerniawski, Oolbekkink-Marchand & Bain, 2018). Improving teachers' pedagogical competencies plays a key role, especially in improving the quality of teaching and learning at universities (Kaynardag, 2017). This tendency is now also confirmed by Masaryk University. One of the tools it uses for this purpose is the development of the pedagogical competencies. For this reason, the program Development of Pedagogical Competences is established. The mentioned program consists of a total of four parts (Masaryk University, 2022). The last part of the program is focused on the cooperation of participants (university teacher) with a mentor, engaging in various activities such as joint discussions, joint teaching and the like. Studies have repeatedly shown that mentoring plays an important role in the pedagogical development of university teachers; however, we do not have much information about the discourse of the mentoring conversation among university teachers, which I address in the Czech environment in the program Development of Pedagogical Competences.
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