Publication details

Zobrazování moderní ženy a motiv sebeobětování v nové vietnamské literatuře

Title in English The Portrayal of Modern Women and the Motif of Self-Sacrifice in New Vietnamese Literature


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ACC Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Contemporary Vietnam;Social norms;Role of women;Romantic literature;Modernization
Description In this article, we follow up on a commentary on the anthropology of social relations in contemporary Vietnam. The topic was presented at a literary conference in Spain under the title "New Forms of Devotion and Self-Sacrifice of Beautiful Women in the Vietnamese Romantic Literature of T? l?c văn đoan". The theme of the self-sacrifice of heroines in literature helps to illuminate how the authoritative norms of traditional Vietnamese society interact with the influences of Western culture. The issue is touched upon at two levels: at the level of historical change and in reflection of the "T? l?c văn đoan" literary movement. First, we characterize the literary movement as a whole. After introducing the writers and their typical heroes, we focus on the author Khái Hung and the main features of his work. In the commentary, we discuss the content of his novel "In the Midst of Spring". By characterizing the protagonist, we try to interpret the position of women in Vietnamese literature and society during the colonial period as it mirrors strong social tensions. Ultimately, literary works have contributed significantly to a better perception and position of women in Vietnamese society.

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