Publication details

Estetika flanérství : Muž davu i štatlař

Title in English The aesthetics of flaneurism : The man of the crowd and the stateman

LEE Lenka

Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aesthetics of flaneurism: the man of the crowd and the stately man It was E.A. Poe who first described the man walking aimlessly around a big city, with a penchant for observing the surrounding pedestrians, shop windows and illuminated passages. The flaneur is neither a tramp nor a dandy; he is what Walter Benjamin called a "botanist of asphalt." The lecture will introduce the phenomenon of flaneurism and its evolution from the 19th century to the present day, which is related to social and technological changes, but the very core remains the same and still lies in the joy of moving freely through the city, in the possibility to blend in with the crowd or to subtly slip out of it, to stop and chat with friends, but above all to constantly reflect on one's surroundings and draw from them endless inspiration for the art (of living). In the conclusion of the paper we will take a closer look at the specific forms of this phenomenon in the Czech and Slovak environment.
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